Thursday, August 12, 2010

Con el tiempo todo se olvida

Esta semana a sido para mi una semana muy rara.. donde los sentimientos vienen y van !
pero todo se olvida con el tiempo  asi que toca dejar el tiempo pasar...  y por lo mismo quize relacionar estos sentimientos con cosas que hemos olvidado o por lo menos que yo no recordaba hace mucho tiempo :

1) Vogue My 1917

2) Anna Wintour been in Vogue as the editor-on-chief since 1988 , That means 22 years ago. She got the Nickname of  "Nuclear Wintour". She has a daughter and a son and she is divorced.
Wintour's First Cover :

3) Anna Wintour's Daughter .. and who is she ?

Her nickname its Bee , he name its Katherine Shaffer , she doesnt follow her mother into fashion.
She also has a blog where she writes what she feels and what happens in her life . Bee's Blog

4. Anna Wintour's Son ...Charlie Shaffer

to be continue...

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